
School Guidelines

  • The severity of the infraction will be taken into consideration in determining the specific consequence. For example, a mild infraction may be handled with a reprimand and warning, while other infractions may warrant notification to the parents.
  • Be punctual, report to school and class on time. School begins at 8:00 a.m. If a student arrives in school after 8:00 he/she needs to report to the office to receive an admit/tardy slip. Students are discouraged from coming to school prior to 7:30 a.m. because of lack of adult supervision. Students purchasing breakfast are allowed in the cafeteria at 7:15 am.
  • Strive to be present every school day. In case of absence, parents should call the school in the morning of the absence and notify the teacher in writing upon the student’s return to school.
  • Respect each other at all times. Disagreements will be settled by discussing the problem and seeking a solution that is fair to all concerned.
  • Buildings and the campus will be kept clean and neat. Do not deface or damage school property. Students who vandalize the school property will make restitution.
  • Remain within school boundaries at all times. Students leaving the campus must have a Student Pass and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • Be in your assigned seat/location, ready to work when the school bell rings.
  • Respect others. Swearing, rude gestures, cruel teasing or put-downs are prohibited.
  • Bring paper, pencils, books and all necessary supplies everyday.